
2014 chevy volt range extender
2014 chevy volt range extender

2014 chevy volt range extender

The results of a case study show the effectiveness of the proposed mode shift map and energy management strategy. By combining the derived mode shift map and the equivalent consumption minimization strategy (ECMS), a real-time control strategy is proposed for the online energy management of the multi-mode HEV. A mode shift map is then extracted from the operating points of the DP results using the support vector machine (SVM). In this study, the energy management algorithm of a multi-mode HEV is optimized using dynamic programming (DP) considering the mode shift frequency and energy losses. Similar to a gear shift map in conventional vehicles, the mode shift map in multi-mode HEVs needs to be properly designed.

2014 chevy volt range extender

However, the introduction of multiple operating modes has led to some issues, e.g., mode shift problems, which are not observed in conventional HEVs with a single mode. Multi-mode hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have become popular in recent years because of their high efficiency and excellent overall performance. Enhancing charging infrastructure access at both home and away locations, and increasing the frequency of home charging, improves the UF of short-range and longer-range PHEVs respectively. Long-distance travel and high-speed driving were the major reasons for the lower UF of longer-range PHEVs (at least 35-mile range) compared to label values. Principal Components Analysis and regression model results indicated that UF of short-range PHEVs (less than 20-mile range) was lower than label expectations mainly due to higher annual VMT and high-speed driving. Using multi-year longitudinal data from 153 PHEVs (11–53 miles all-electric range) in California, this paper systematically evaluates how observed driving and charging, energy consumption, and UF differs from sticker label expectations. There are concerns about the gap between Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sticker label and real-world UF due to the inability of test cycles to represent actual driving conditions and assumptions about their driving and charging differing from their actual usage patterns.

2014 chevy volt range extender

Their net environmental impact is evaluated using the performance metric Utility Factor (UF), which quantifies the fraction of vehicle miles traveled (VMT) on electricity. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) are an effective intermediate vehicle technology option in the long-term transition pathway towards light-duty vehicle electrification.

2014 chevy volt range extender