Related topics: Groupings Liberal Liberal noun PPG someone who supports or belongs to the former Liberal Party in Britain or the Liberal Party in Canada - Liberal adjective Examples from the Corpus Liberal

Most liberals, like other feminists, believe that schools are partly responsible for instilling sexist attitudes into children.That decision did not win her much support from liberals and moderates.The number of committed liberals among the middle-ranking landowners who dominated the zemstvos was not large.The beauty of this plan is that it would appeal to both conservatives and liberals.○○ AWL noun PP someone with liberal opinions or principles OPP conservative Examples from the Corpus liberal.Related topics: Politics liberal liberal 2 This, of course, relies on a liberal interpretation of the coins from Barton Farm.Yet the liberal interpretation of divorce laws appears to have led to the alarming trends already observed.

The traditional liberal interpretation is rooted in an approach to history fundamentally at odds with that of Soviet historiography.It is notable too that this liberal interpretation is proposed by the jurist, and merely adopted from him by the emperor.The middle classes According to the liberal interpretation, as we have seen, such liberalization was under way.These conclusions have led revisionists to cast doubt on three of the assumptions underlying the liberal interpretation.Classical elite theorists had sought to show that liberal democracy was a utopian ideal incapable of realization.Yet in a liberal democracy, such a declaration can not easily be made indeed the opposite must be proclaimed.In any liberal democracy a mobilization of bias is cumulatively created by the outcomes of political and social conflicts.These rights to additional forms of participation and opposition in the political process seem an essential element of a liberal democracy.Synods were not like the parliaments of liberal democracies.So came what I am calling the liberal state.Britain is at a nadir in its history as a liberal democracy.He has quite liberal views for someone of his generation.If its people called you a liberal subversive in the pay of effete capitalist Western powers it was regarded as fair comment.In a liberal society you may have the right to express your own beliefs, but not necessarily to cause offence to other people.The Monopolies Commission took the line that the benefits of a more liberal regime outweighed any drawbacks.In order to reveal these foundations we must therefore examine the main tenets of conservative and liberal political thought.Firmly distanced from the levers of power, the liberal parties were unable to carry conviction among their potential constituents.I was fortunate enough to have very liberal parents.15 million to 36 liberal non-profits, as earmarked by individual customers. Last year, Working Assets distributed $ 2.a liberal interpretation of the original play.

Some liberal Democrats want to introduce stricter price controls.Pius remained implacably opposed to the assumptions of liberal bourgeois civilization.While the Cold War period was dominated by realism, liberal approaches continued to be developed.My parents are broadminded, liberal and understanding to the extent that I probably could never match.→ liberally 5 EXACT not exact a liberal interpretation of the original play 6 → liberal education Examples from the Corpus liberal 2 PP supporting or allowing gradual political and social changes OPP conservative a more liberal policy on issues of crime and punishment 3 allowing people or organizations a lot of political or economic freedom liberal state/society/democracy etc 4 LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT generous or given in large amounts a liberal supply of drinks liberal with If only they were as liberal with their cash. ○○ AWL adjective 1 STRICT willing to understand and respect other people’s ideas, opinions, and feelings a more liberal attitude towards sexuality I had quite liberal parents.Liberally From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Politics liberal lib‧e‧ral 1 / ˈlɪb ərəl /